Donate Now to Center For Food  Action's First Choice Pantry!

Donate Now to Center For Food Action's First Choice Pantry!

We are excited to announce our new initiative, Choice Pantry for All, debuting at our Mahwah location.

Why Mahwah? CFA Mahwah is our largest facility with flexible space to accommodate this scaled-down grocery store model. In 2023, CFA Mahwah served 764 households comprised of 1,450 adults and 744 children at risk of food insecurity. These families utilize our Mahwah pantry more than six times per year. Choice Pantry for All is about more than just sustenance; it’s about offering dignity to those facing hunger.

We anticipate rapid growth through word of mouth and strategic campaigns, reaching existing and prospective guests facing food insecurity. We will launch this Choice Pantry for All at our Mahwah location in March 2024 with rollouts at our other locations in 2025. Our new client-facing software, Pantry Soft, will allow us to track impact and growth, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Imagine the positive impact of giving families the ability to choose the food items that best nourish them instead of a pre-selected shelf-stable box. Your donations will also help us purchase more fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meats for our families at all CFA locations.

This initiative seeks to empower our guests by providing a dignified grocery experience, allowing them to select food items that resonate with their individual and cultural preferences. We believe in the transformative power of choice, and with your support, we can turn this vision into a reality.

Today, we extend an invitation for you to donate to Center for Food Action to play a crucial role in launching our Choice Pantry for All to serve our community.

Your donations will support construction costs as we combine our existing pantry space with an office area, including new flooring, fresh paint, and other items including food needed to create an inviting supermarket-like environment for our guests. We invite you to be a part of our transformation as we create a unified and seamless space.

Join us in this milestone moment with Center for Food Action. Your donation will make a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve. Together, we can promote food justice, reinvigorate a sense of dignity for our guests, and create a future where everyone has the power to choose.

Please donate today and be a part of our transformative journey.